Monday, March 7, 2011

Carnevale Helau

Right food is important before the festivities start.  Eggs, potato salad, and the sour herring for the day after. Such is the basis for walking, and singing, schunkeln and lots and lots of drinking. At 6 o' clock  we heard the announcement 'Das Bier ist alle'... How can that be: no beer during Karneval. Helau is the traditional greeting, and the full greeting is a threefold repetition of the same raising in a wave the right arm...
Lots of music:Tätereee...
It is all about fun, political criticism. Also tons of candy is thrown to public. The difference between the groups and the onlookers is just that the onlookers are unique like the friendly folks in the last  picture.
Helau, Helau, Helau...

© sms:foto duisburg/rhein 2011
Der HIPPIEZWILLING in Orsoy am Niederrhein (>OSCHAU helau!<) 2011 am Karnevalssonntag