Monday, March 12, 2012

Proofreading Ich bin -I am

Poet, producer and translator into German Fred Schywek proofreading with Job Degenaar, president of Writers in Prison Committee The Netherlands. Both combing through the text, catching the extra space between two words, a colon to be removed, explaning the choices, the difference in reception in the other language... and coming to a conclusion together.

A thorough interesting process of cooperative shared responsibility. The solution found contentment is on their faces. From trilingual Ich Bin I am

Riverbank in grey

Maybe girls from Japan are needed here
three in lilac, pink, white, under a parasol of reed
on narrow feet over pale sand

the wind rose, the water rustled
and clouds tumbled through the blue
as if they still had the whole earth to cross

and where in the distance the river dreams away
streamed the gold of Buddha
over the run down hearts

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